Disney’s Tangled Revisited – Friday: A Day of Wedding Inspiration

Happy Friday!!!! TGIF and all that hope you are excited and ready for a great weekend! Disney’s Beauty and the Beast 3D came out in theatres on Jan 13, 2012 and with it came the movie short Tangled: Ever After.

Yes Flynn (Eugene), Pascal, Maximus, and Rapunzel are back as Eugene and Rapunzel get married! YAY! There finally wed… but of course mishap befalls them at the wedding, when the rings slip off the ring pillow in Maximus’ mouth. Pascal and Maximus go on a rampage through town to find them in time so the wedding can go on…. And what happens you say…. well that just wouldn’t be fair to tell!! Go and see it for yourself… Two great movies in one, and it’s Friday so why not?

tangledtangled - lanternstangled - pascal

We just had to revisit our Disney’s Tangled wedding inspiration, new year, new ideas, and of course a new movie. We have refined our idea for a real life Tangled wedding and we wanted to share it with you. A lot more romance, subtler colours, and hints of nature. We hope you like it!

Disney’s Tangled Revisited (2012)


Photo Credits: Paper Lanterns – Nifty Thrifty Things | Ring - Gazelle Jewelry | Cupcake - Das Cupcake
Hair Accessory - Twigs and Honey | Bridal Gown - Tara Keely | Chameleon Cufflinks - Dedalo
Wedding Invitation - Momental Designs | Chocolate Covered Spoons - Martha Stewart Weddings
Flowers - Botany Studio | Wedding Slippers - Yagmur Shop

256912_Printed Cards - American Greetings


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