The Hulk – Friday: A Day of Wedding Inspiration

Happy Friday! Were back with more of our Superhero Mini-Series! This week ‘The Hulk’. Now I now some of my readers checked out the newest Avengers movie right??

My favourite character had to be Hulk. Mark Ruffalo did an amazing job. So it got me thinking about how I would transform the split personality of the shy but brilliant scientist with the rugged but sweet monster hulk. Well…. I added a little science, a lot of green, and some extra rugged nature on top.

This is also a great way to combine the two personalities of the couple getting married. Take a little bit of each and something you both love… make the thing you both love the most prominent (like green in the hulk inspiration below) then add in hints of the thing you each like separately (like science and ruggedness below). This allows both of your visions and personalities to shine through on your wedding day. Hope you enjoy or Hulk inspiration below.. and if your missed the first Superhero Mini-series post last week check it out.. it was Spiderman! As always photo credits are below… Enjoy!

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Photo Credits: Bubble Bar Champagne - Pete Callahan Catering & Events
Trash The Dress - Jason Cohen Photography | DIY Wildflower Seed Test Tube - Ruffled Blog
Chemistry Table Numbers - Marry You Me | Michael Fassbender Green Suit - GQ
Forest Wedding Reception - Preston Bailey | Wedding Invitations - Classic Wedding Invitations


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