Wedding Themes – Have fun with it!

A wedding theme is a great way to set the tone for your wedding. It also is a great way to make the wedding planning experience more efficient. If you have a focus when going vendor and venue shopping it will make finding the perfect product, place, or professional a much easier process.

Don’t be afraid to really go for it. Show your guests your true personalities. It will make it much more fun for all who attend; it will make it much more memorable too. Remember most weddings have guests that aren’t as close to the Bride and Groom as others, such as plus ones. If you have a theme those guests will leave with a sense that they got to know you a bit better.

Think outside of the box. Yes technically red could be a theme but how can you make red even more personal to who you are? These are the questions you should ask yourself when thinking of your wedding theme. This allows you to get more specific which in turn gives your vendors a more precise look at the items you will need for your wedding.

The most important thing of a good wedding theme is to have fun with it! Get creative! Write all your ideas down, and if you can do an inspiration board for each idea you really like. This will allow you to see what it will look like. Inspiration boards are also a fantastic idea when visiting wedding vendors!

In inspiration of National Penguin Day (April 25) I came up with an inspiration board that is a great example of how to have fun with your wedding theme.

Vintage Emperor


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