Mad Hatter Tea Party – Friday: A Day of Wedding Inspiration

Happy Friday and thank goodness it is! Today we are having a tea party and you are all invited!!

This weeks inspiration stemmed from a question from a fellow Wedding Planner. “If you could pick your favourite wedding theme what would it be?” My first idea was a indoor garden party, then I thought about tea because I find a high tea wedding theme divine, peacocks of course because their colours are so rich, and my final thought was hats.. lol. So of course I came up with a Mad Hatter tea party.

My favourite part of Alice in Wonderland was the tea party! Kind of crazy funky with a bit of elegance. And so many colours intertwined. When dealing with porcelain high tea, tea cups they are usually infused with a few colours. I thought I would use a few for my inspiration so I went with golds, browns, beiges, blacks, turquoise/blues, and pinks.

I hope you enjoy the tea party!

Mad Hatter Peacock Tea Party:


Photo Credits: Tea Table Setting - The Sweet Occasion | Fascinator - Tiaras and Fascinators
Invitation - I Do It Yourself | Sweet Tray - Martha Stewart Weddings | Cupcakes - Cakeadelic
Tablescape - Martha Stewart Weddings | Paper Flower Bouquet - Anya Shop
Vintage Suit - Monkey Suit Vintage | Tea Bag Favours - Elizabeth Anne Designs
Wedding Dress – Alita Graham | Teapot Centrepieces - Passion Flowers


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